
"Global Warning," by Rhys Darby

This was put out by Greenpeace New Zealand and Rhys Darby, of Flight of the Conchords fame. It's part of a climate campaign GPNZ is running called Sign On. Video is pretty funny, and the site is neat too. Check 'em out!


United Breaks Guitars

Whether or not you like country music, you gotta appreciate this video. This guy, Dave Carroll, witnessed United Airlines baggage handlers throwing his $3500 Taylor guitar around when he was flying from Chicago to Nebraska for some shows. When he got to his destination and pulled out his guitar, it was busted. For the next year or so, dude got the total runaround from United's customer service, until they finally just flat out refused to compensate him in any way. So he vowed to write, record, and film videos for three songs all about how United sux.

The first video, "United Breaks Guitars," is online now, and has almost 3.5 million views so far. Suck it, United.


Obama is not providing the leadership he promised

Obama is playing politics on several of the key progressive issues — gay rights, the environment, national health care — that he talked a good game on during the campaign last year. We elected him because we though he was a leader, turns out we just got a savvy politician.

So Greenpeace hung this banner on Mt. Rushmore to urge him to be a leader.

Greenpeace image: Mt. Rushmore banner hang

Working on this project was very exciting. Also, I personally got two media hits out of it, one via Twitter, and the other (in the Christian Science Monitor, no less, who praise our social media strategy!) via a blog post. Aw yeah.